Brian Silva Speaks Regarding Historic Marriage Equality Vote in Ireland
23 June 2015, Marriage Equality USA Executive Director Brian Silva speaks with AlJazeera regarding the history-making marriage equality vote in...
Executive Director Brian Silva Discusses Marriage in Alabama
On 17 March 2015, MEUSA Executive Director Brian Silva and Liberty Counsel's Roger Gannam were featured on Jorge Ramos' show...
Supreme Court Agrees to Rule on Marriage
"Setting the stage for a potentially historic ruling, the Supreme Court says it will decide whether same-sex couples nationwide have...
Edie Windsor (Part 3) - A Love Affair With the Gay Community
In the final segment of MEUSA’s interview with Edie Windsor, Edie recalls the real-life consequences of being denied the right...
Edie Windsor (Part 2): Life and Love Before Stonewall
In part two of MEUSA's three-part interview with Edie Windsor, Edie recounts the struggles of gay life before Stonewall and...
Edie Windsor (Part 1): Early Advocacy with MEUSA
One year ago, Windsor v. United States became one of the most important court cases for the lesbian, gay, bisexual,...
Paul Carey - Multimedia Lead
As the Multimedia Lead for MEUSA, Paul manages our Flickr and YouTube resources to showcase the past and present stories and...
She4ME PSA on LogoTV
MEUSA is proud to announce our award-winning PSA is being featured on LogoTV! Set to Jen Foster's dance anthem "She,"...
MSNBC's Chris Mathews interviews MEUSA ED Brian Silva
Brian Silva of Marriage Equality USA was on MSNBC's Hardball discussing the growing support for marriage equality and the decision...
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