NOTE: Having fulfilled our mission, MEUSA is winding down and will no longer update this page after 28 July 2015.
WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW? Well, within the last 6 days...
*We alter headlines posted on this page to avoid using the term "gay marriage." We are working for the right of LGBTQ couples to legally access the existing civil institution of marriage. "Gay marriage" is a misnomer. It's just "marriage," folks. We do not alter any substantive text/content of articles posted. Links lead to the original news sources.
- 28 July 2015, SCOTUS issued judgement in the marriage cases! [Obergefell v. Holdges, 14-556; Tanco v. Haslam, 14-562; DeBoer v. Snyder, 14-571; Bourke v. Beshear, 14-574] - From Equality Case Files
- 27 July 2015, Lawmakers To Kerry: Retaliate Against Countries That Won’t Recognize Diplomats’ Same-Sex Spouses - By J. Lester Feder, BuzzFeed News
- 26 July 2015, Boy Scouts Expected to End Ban on Gay Leaders - By Erik Eckholm, The New York Times
- 25 July 2015, Despite Threats, President Obama Makes A Case For Gay Rights In Kenya - By David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement
- 24 July 2015, Push Within Religions for Marriage Equality Gets Little Attention - By Samuel G. Freedman, The New York Times
- 23 July 2015, The GOP Plan to Stoke Anti-Gay Bigotry in 2016 - By Michael Signorile, HuffPost Gay Voices
23 July 2015, Broad Federal LGBT Rights Bill Would Also Address Religious Freedom, Transgender Restroom Use - By Dominic Holden, BuzzFeed News
- 23 July 2015, 9.5M LGBT Adults Nationwide Would Be Protected under New Comprehensive Non-Discrimination Bill - Williams Institute Press Release
- 23 July 2015, Most expansive LGBTI civil rights bill in history introduced in US Congress - Equality Act would prohibit discrimination on basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, housing, credit, education, and jury service - By Greg Hernandez, Gay Star News
- 23 July 2015, Polish Parliament makes trans history - Trans-Fuzja Press Release
- 22 July 2015, Alex Alí Méndez Díaz, the mastermind of Mexico's marriage-equality movement, is taking the battle to the Interamerican Commission of Human Rights. He says, "Si la jurisprudencia de la SCJN no es suficiente para generar las reformas, nos veremos en las instancias internacionales." » "If the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation isn't sufficient to generate the reforms [of the marriage laws in the state legislatures], we will see ourselves in the international bodies." Alex Alí Méndez Díaz' Facebook post.
- 22 July 2015, Lower court wrangling over marriage equality continues, and more - By Scottie Thomaston, Equality on Trial
- 22 July 2015, Love Around the World - By MEUSA's Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis, HuffPost Live Matters
- 21 July 2015, Mexican Congress tells the states to legalize marriage equality - By Antonio Hernández, Entrelineas
- 21 July 2015, More than 3,000 Faith Leaders Urge Members of Congress to Oppose the First Amendment Defense Act - From Bend the Arc
- 21 July 2015, After Losing On Same-Sex Marriage, Conservative Christians Find A New Enemy - By Jack Jenkins, ThinkProgress
- 20 July 2015, Democrats Plan To Introduce Sweeping LGBT Rights Bill In Congress This Week - By Dominic Holden, BuzzFeed News
- 20 July 2015, Feldblum explains new gay employment protections - By Chris Johnson, Washington Blade
What's the Definition of "Traditional Marriage"? By Matt Baume
Published on 24 June 2015; so excellent! Please share.
Matt Baume's ground-breaking new book reveals the personal stories of people who fought for the freedom to marry over the last 45 years. Defining Marriage: Voices from a Forty Year Labor of Love - By Matt Baume. WATCH: Book Release Video Short Special
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