- Civil marriage equality in effect at the state level since 7 October 2014. (Same-sex couples may legally marry.)
- Please see Letter to Indiana County Clerks - Guidance and Chart
- 24 October 2014, this gives you an idea of what Indiana plans to spend defending "traditional" marriage, and challenging the state's new inclusive marriage statute. See the Bowling case under LAWSUITS-PENDING below.
- The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians recognize marriage equality as of 8 May 2013.
- 26 March 2015, SB 101, a hateful RFRA, was signed into law by Governor Pence. Please see LEGISLATION-ENACTED. The national backlash against the governor's action is overwhelming! However, we at MEUSA want to emphasize that we are fully aware that most Hoosiers, and most businesses in Indiana, do not agree with the governor's actions. The responsibility for the current situation sits squarely in the laps of a limited number of state legislators and the governor - all of whom serve at the will of the people and only by being elected to office. They can be removed from office, by the Hoosiers who are not being accurately represented by them and who do not support their actions.
- Annual attempts to adopt a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman failed from 2004-2013. A new attempt to pass a constitutional amendment occurred during the 2013-2014 legislative session. The proposed text was: "Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Indiana." If approved by both houses of the legislature in another session, that language can't be presented to voters until November 2016 at the earliest.
- Indiana restricted marriage to male-female couples by statute from 1986-2014. Indiana denied recognition to same-sex relationships established in other jurisdictions by legislation from 1997-2014.
- 7 October 2014, same-sex marriage was legalized in Indiana via a lawsuit/the courts.
- 8 February 2015, Indiana Woman Who Fought Marriage Ban Dies of Cancer - AP via ABC News
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