John has always been active in Democratic politics and previously worked with both former CA State Assemblymember Willie Brown and former CA Lieutenant Governor Leo McCarthy. In the year prior to Proposition 8 John was immersed in an intense Master's degree program and didn't become involved in the No on 8 campaign. He now looks back on that with regret and recalls that, like so many other Californians, he truly believed the discriminatory proposition would fail. Following the passage of Prop 8 he immediately joined Love Honor Cherish and then became active with the Repeal Prop 8 in 2010 effort and the Restore Equality 2010 campaign. That work eventually evolved into John working with Marriage Equality USA.
John's passions are politics, history and traveling. He would like to expand his involvement with the Stonewall Democrats in his area. He and his boyfriend finally married in 2013, once same-sex marriage again became legal in California!