6pm PT / 7pm MT / 8pm CT / 9pm ET
Join Marriage Equality USA and organizations across the US in a National Community Call this evening! Today the United States Supreme Court made a decision to grant cert to (agreed to review) the four 6th Circuit marriage equality cases from Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. This evening's call will analyze and discuss the impacts of the decision and give you a chance to ask our legal experts your questions.
Four states petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to review their marriage cases (MI, OH, KY, TN) and on 16 January 2015 the Court announced that it will review all four cases, looking at the issues of the granting same-sex couples the right to marry and of recognizing the marriages of same-sex couples.
- Joshua A. Newville, Madia Law LLC. Josh is presently the lead attorney representing thirteen same-sex couples in historic challenges to North and South Dakotas’ bans on same-sex marriage.
- Clyde Wadsworth, Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing, Co-Counsel Hawaii's Jackson et al v. Abercrombie and; Co-Counsel in Colorado's Romer v. Evans at the U.S. Supreme Court.
HOST: John Lewis, Legal & Policy Director, MEUSA
MODERATOR: Brian Silva, Executive Director, MEUSA
- Fair Wisconsin
- Las Vegas PRIDE
- Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN)
- Fairness Campaign
- Equality Michigan
- Stonewall Democrats of Dallas, TX
- Montrose Center (TX)
- Mississippi Gulf Coast Rainbow Center
- GetEqual
- Resource Center (TX)
- Interested in being a partner? Email info (at) marriageequality.org for more info.
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