Marriage Equality USA

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Legislation - Enacted

HB 5015

Author/Sponsor: Rep. Arthur Handy and Sen. Donna Nesselbush
Date Introduced: 3 January 2013
Date Enacted: 1 August 2013


  • The bill legalized marriage for same-sex couples by a vote of 51-19 in the House and 26-12 in the Senate.
HB 6103

Author/Sponsor: Rep. Gordon Fox, Rep. Robert Watson, Rep. Coderre, Rep. Peter John Petrarca, Rep. J. Patrick O’Neill
Date Introduced: 3 May 2011
Date Enacted: 1 July 2011


  • The bill provides same-sex couples the same benefits as provided to married couples. The legislation includes extensive and controversial exemptions that allow any religiously affiliated organization or institution, such as schools, universities and hospitals, to deny recognition of spouses in civil union