Marriage Equality USA

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Legislation - Pending

SB 1564 - Amendment to the Health Care Right of Conscience Act

Date Introduced: 22 April 2015


  • Another so-called "religious freedom"/"freedom to discriminate" bill, this bill would allow any health care provider to refuse to provide any health care/medical service to a person (interpret as any LGBT person) by claiming a conscientious objection.
  • Summary: Amends the Health Care Right of Conscience Act. Makes changes in the Section concerning findings and policy. Defines "access to care and information protocols" and "material information". Provides that notwithstanding any other law, a health care facility, or any physician or health care personnel working in the facility, may refuse to permit, perform, assist in, counsel about, suggest, recommend, refer for, or participate in health care services because of a conscience-based objection only if the refusal occurs in accordance with written access to care and information protocols designed to ensure that (1) the patient receives material information in a timely fashion; and (2) the refusal will not impair the patient's health by causing delay of or inability to access the refused health care service. Provides that nothing in the Act shall be construed to prevent a health care facility from requiring that physicians or health care personnel working in the facility comply with access to care and information protocols. Makes other changes in Sections concerning: (i) discrimination by employers or institutions; and (ii) liability.
  • 17 June 2015, although the legislature is technically now in recess, the deadline for this bell was extended until 30 June 2015.

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