Marriage Equality USA

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Legislation - Enacted

SB 19 Persons Filing Joint Tax Returns

Author/Sponsor: Sen. Steadman/Rep. Coram
Date Introduced: 21 January 2014
Date Enacted: 27 February 2014

Description: This bill was designed to bring state tax filing regulations into line with the federal IRS regulations regarding same-sex couples filing jointly.

From the bill text: The bill requires any 2 taxpayers who may legally file a joint federal income tax return to file separate state income tax returns if they file separate federal income tax returns and to file a joint state income tax return if they file a joint federal income tax return.

Colorado Civil Union Act

Author/Sponsor: Senator Pat Steadman and Representative Mark Ferrandino
Date Introduced: 14 February 2011
Date Enacted: 1 May 2013


  • The bill allowed both same-sex couples and different-sex couples to form unions.
  • The act was co-sponsored by nearly all Democrats in the legislature.
  • The legislation as first introduced addressed financial responsibility of partners, medical decision-making and treatment, inheritance, ability to designate a partner as retirement beneficiary, the ability to adopt the child of one's partner, insurance of partner, family leave benefits, responsibility of conservator, guardian, or personal representative.
  • A later amendment to the bill added a religious exemption, specifying that no religious official would be required to officiate at a same-sex union ceremony.

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