By MEUSA News Manager John Mattras
Rarely do I find anything about technology or the internet to be as easy as advertised. When MEUSA Executive Director Brian Silva asked me to check out so I could write a story about how easy it is to sign up and start donating to MEUSA for free every time I make a qualifying online purchase, I could envision nothing more than headaches and hassles trying to figure it out. But that didn't happen. Literally, I clicked the link he sent me, filled in my name and email address and created a password. A 30-second download later, my work was finished. I was also notified that by making a purchase prior to November 12, MEUSA would receive an additional bonus of $5.
The next step was to test it to see if it worked. Thousands of online retailers purportedly participate. Some require confirmation, while others do not. Sure enough, logging on to the Staples website (who doesn't need office supplies?), I was prompted to confirm my participation in Igive. Next thing you know, I was shopping and giving to MEUSA -- without spending an extra cent on anything. Chances are, I will not know just how much of my online Christmas shopping will translate into donations to MEUSA. I could go to the Igive website and search the list of participating retailers. But for now, it's enough to know that I am, or probably am, giving with each online purchase I make. And in a few months time, I'll still be giving -- long after I stopped even thinking about it.
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