Today, Marriage Equality USA is proud to be a part of #GivingTuesday - a national call to action that has made supporting the work of non-profits a part of the holiday and shopping traditions of millions across the country.
#GivingTuesday is one gift that will bring joy and hope to many this holiday season and seasons to come. Your support today on
#GivingTuesday will give us the resources we need to fight in 2015, including:
- Supporting legal challenges to anti-marriage laws across the country
- Growing our Getting to I Do library of stories to share personal stories with people in states where marriage is still under threat
- Expanding our "Heart of What Matters" and "Sharing Our Experiences" trainings and presentations to reach more people who are still unsure of supporting full marriage equality
- Working to repeal the remainder of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
- Continuing to provide the best education and resources to individuals, organizations and others
All leading to the day when our families are celebrated and protected no matter where you live, work or travel!
Want to help make an even bigger impact this #GivingTuesday?
In all the hustle and bustle that comes with the holidays - from shopping to travel - thank you for taking a moment to give the gift of love and equality to families across our country.
~ Message from our Executive Director, Brian Silva
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