Forewarnings & Fallout - Governor Pence Signs Indiana RFRA/SB101 Into Law
- 25 March 2015, Gen Con Threatens To Take Popular Convention, And Millions, Out Of Indiana Over Religious Freedom Bill - By Dominique Mosbergen, HuffPost Politics
- 25 March 2015, tweet from Freedom Indiana Wednesday afternoon: Tomorrow, #Indiana will go down a dangerous road—as @GovPenceIN will sign #RFRA into law at a private signing ceremony.#INLegis#lgbt
- 25 March 2015, Ballard: 'Religious freedom' bill may hurt state's image, city's convention business - By Chris Sikich and Jeff Swiatek, Indianapolis Star
- 25 March 2015, Ballard: 'Religious freedom' bill sends 'wrong signal' - By Ryan Sabalow and Brian Eason, Indianapolis Star
- 25 March 2015, Takei Calls for Boycott of Ind., Gamers Threaten to Leave - Edge Media Network
- 25 March 2015, Local businesses protest Religious Freedom Act with sticker, celeb takes to social media - By Kelli Stopczynski, WSBT 22
- 25 March 2015, Indiana may lose Disciples of Christ convention over bill allowing businesses to decline service to gay couples - By Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Washington Post
- 26 March 2015, Indiana governor signs religious freedom bill - By Michael K. Lavers, Washington Blade
- 26 March 2015, $4 Billion S&P 500 Corporation To Indiana: We Warned You About RFRA, Now We're Out Of Here - David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement
- 26 March 2015, ACLU Comment on Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Signing Discriminatory 'Religious Freedom' Bill into Law - ACLU Statement
- 26 March 2015, Lambda Legal Slams Indiana Gov. Pence's Rush to Sign Discriminatory Religious Exemptions Bill - Lambda Legal News Release
- 26 March 2015, Indiana’s Rush to Invite Law-Breaking for Religious Reasons - By By Jennifer C. Pizer, Senior Counsel and Law and Policy Project National Director, Lambda Legal Blog
- 26 March 2015, Marriage Equality USA Outraged by Indiana Governor Signing Discriminatory Statute into Law - MEUSA Press Release
- 26 March 2015, Salesforce CEO Says Company Is ‘Cancelling All Programs’ In Indiana Over LGBT Discrimination Fears - CBS SF Bay Area/5KPIX/KCBS
- 26 March 2015, NCAA Statement on Indiana religious freedom bill - National Collegiate Athletic Association
- 26 March 2015, PayPal cofounder & Yelp largest shareholder posts on blasting Indiana re: the signing into law of IN RFRA: first post; second post.
- 26 March 2015, An Open Letter to States Considering Imposing Discrimination Laws - Posted by Jeremy Stoppelman, Yelp Inc. CEO on the Yelp Official Blog
- 26 March 2015, BS 101: Indiana Signs Bill to Reject Homosexuals - By Ryan Anderson Bell,
- 26 March 2015, Broadway's Audra McDonald Just Took Down Indiana Gov. Mike Pence In A Glorious Twitter Rant - By David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement
- 26 March 2015, #BOYCOTTINDIANA is a grassroots movement that went viral on Twitter and other social media
- 27 March 2015, from Lambda Legal: Yesterday afternoon, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a truly awful bill into law. This law, misleadingly labeled the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” seeks to allow any business to refuse service to LGBT people — and all those vulnerable to the religious judgments of others. If this sounds like a throwback to the days when business owners were free to say “we don’t serve your kind here” — and too many said that all too often — you are right. ...tell Gov. Pence that “religious freedom” is not “freedom to discriminate.” ...This new law in Indiana is just the tip of the iceberg. Legislators in statehouses across the country are considering similar bills.... While the legal issues might seem complicated, our message is simple: The misuse of religion for discrimination is not “religious freedom,” it is simply shameful.... At its core, this concerted effort is our opponents’ retaliation for our remarkable progress on marriage equality nationwide — and their anticipation of a Supreme Court ruling in June affirming the freedom to marry for us all, coast to coast. We can’t let them undermine our tremendous success. Religious freedom is a fundamental American right. And for many people, including many LGBT people, religious practice is essential for a meaningful life within a community of shared faith traditions. Religion also has been used throughout the history of our movement and many equality movements to justify prejudice and discrimination. This abuse must stop now. ....Working together, we can create a culture of dignity, respect, and inclusion for LGBT people — and all people.
- 27 March 2015, Mayor Lee of San Francisco has barred "any publicly-funded City employee travel to the State of Indiana that is not absolutely essential to public health and safety." Mayor Lee’s Statement on Indiana’s Discriminatory Law Against LGBT Individuals - City & County of San Francisco Office of the Mayor
- 27 March 2015, Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, expressed disappointment in Indiana’s new anti-LGBT law allowing individuals to use religion as an excuse to discriminate against LGBT people and other minorities and called on Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson to veto a similar bill being sent to his desk. Cook tweeted: “Apple is open for everyone. We are deeply disappointed in Indiana's new law and calling on Arkansas Gov. to veto the similar #HB1228.”
- 27 March 2015, Indiana is facing business boycotts over controversial LGBT law - By Ben Geier, FORTUNE
- 27 March 2015, 'We Serve Everyone' campaign takes off in wake of Ind. 'religious freedom' law - By Teresa Auch Schultz, Chicago Post-Tribune
- 27 March 2015, Indiana Law Denounced as Invitation to Discriminate Against Gays - By Michael Barbaro and Erik Eckholm, The New York Times Politics
- 27 March 2015, White House criticizes Indiana’s discriminatory religious freedom law - By Justin Snow, MetroWeekly
- 27 March 2015, The Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act – An Analysis of Its Controversy - By Matt Anderson, a civil trial lawyer with Wruble & Associates in South Bend, Indiana, via IN Advance
- 27 March 2015, Religious freedom law backlash nationally, across Indiana - By Brian A. Howey, Howey Politics Indiana
- 27 March 2015, the Church of Harvey Fierstein - From Truth Wins Out's “Religious Freedom Farce” campaign. Enjoy!
- 28 March 2015, Seattle Mayor Murray prohibits Indiana travel for City employees - Office of the Mayor
- 28 March 2015, ACT UP legend Peter Staley on HRC's approach to signing of SB101/RFRA in Indiana #BOYCOTTINDIANA
- 28 March 2015, Hoosiers rallied and marched to to Indiana Statehouse to send a message that Indiana strongly opposes the signing of the Indiana RFRA/SB101 into law! Photo courtesy of Freedom Indiana.
- 28 March 2015, GetEQUAL's photos from the big Indianapolis protest.
- 28 March 2015, Angie's List Withdraws Campus Expansion Proposal Due to Passage of Religious Freedom Bill - Angie's List Press Release
- 28 March 2015, How big names react to 'religious freedom' signing - By Jim Tamborello and Allison L. Carter, IndyStar
- 28 March 2015, Indiana hits the news in Madrid, Spain: "Que le quiten a Indiana la Final Four por sus leyes anti-gays" - from Spanish sports newspaper
- 28 March 2015, Gov. Mike Pence to push for clarification of ‘religious freedom’ law - By Tim Swarens, IndyStar
- 28 March 2015, Freedom Indiana responds to Governor Pence's desire to "clarify" license to discriminate - Freedom Indiana Press Release
- 29 March 2015, Watch – Mike Pence Doubles Down On Anti-Gay Law: 'We're Not Going To Change This' (Video) - By David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement
- 29 March 2015, excellent article! Indiana’s RIFRA: The Law is Complicated, But the Anti-Gay Politics Are Not - By Steve Sanders. Professor Sanders teaches constitutional law, constitutional litigation, and family law at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Posted on the American Constitution Society (ACS) Blog.
- 29 March 2015, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Says Controversial 'Religious Freedom' Law Won't Change - Exclusive interview with George Stephanopolous on THIS WEEK, article by Stephanie Ebbs, ABC News
- 29 March 2015, Lambda Legal to Gov. Pence: If You Mean It, Stop the Discrimination - Lambda Legal Press Release
Marriage Equality USA Outraged by Indiana Governor Signing Discriminatory Statute into Law
Indianapolis/San Francisco • 26 March 2015 - Marriage Equality USA is deeply disturbed by Indiana’s enactment of SB 101, legislation that enables individuals, businesses, and other organizations to refuse to serve LGBT people and indeed any person simply based on what an individual or business claims is their religious view.
MEUSA member Barbara Allyn Howard of Indianapolis, Indiana, stated: “I’m so angry and disappointed both as a resident of Indiana and as an American. I am a heterosexual woman who abhors hurtful discrimination in any form. And, I’m not alone – hundreds of my fellow Hoosiers are expressing their outrage on Facebook and Twitter at the Governor’s signing this bill. The fact the Governor signed the bill privately behind locked doors speaks volumes – especially given that he accepted absolutely no citizen or corporate feedback prior to signing.”
SB 101 is the latest law passed as part of a concerted effort by those who oppose equality to enact laws that appear neutral on their face, but, in fact, are intended to exclude and to discriminate against women and minorities.
"Those behind Indiana’s law are part of national political strategy, begun several years ago, to try to instill unfounded fear that ensuring equality for LGBTQ Americans will somehow impinge on the freedom of religion," said John Lewis, Marriage Equality USA’s Legal and Policy Director. “The same national strategy is being employed to undermine women’s lives. Because of laws similar to Indiana’s, public businesses have been able to substitute their owners’ religious views regarding access to contraception for their female employees for medical decisions these women make in consultation with health care professionals. We as Americans must stop this cynical strategy in its tracks, because unstopped the strategy will subject women, LGBTQ people, and millions of other Americans to discrimination and exclusion from vital services. As a society, we are better than that. Public opinion polling shows that a large majority of Americans oppose laws such as Indiana’s."
Lewis concluded, "Nearly 60 percent of Americans now support full marriage equality, and 37 states and the District of Columbia have marriage equality, as will Puerto Rico in the near future. We look to the Supreme Court in the marriage equality cases to be decided this June to move America forward, not backward, toward true equality and inclusion for all Americans.”
Stuart Gaffney, Communications Director, (415) 378-3259, [email protected]
John Lewis, Legal & Policy Director, (415) 377-7924, [email protected]
Brian Silva, Executive Director, (347) 913-6369, [email protected]