First-ever MEUSA Los Angeles Awards Reception a Rousing Success
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Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (right) and MEUSA Board Chair Jane Wishon[/caption]
With presentations by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and proclamations from California Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez, Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) hosted its first-ever Los Angeles Awards Reception on August 10. For pictures, event journal, and videos, go to
"We came together in LA at an historic moment to celebrate the Supreme Court’s marriage rulings and rededicate ourselves to making marriage equality a reality in all 50 states," said Brian Silva, Marriage Equality USA Executive Director. "It was extraordinarily successful."
The event, which raised funds to help MEUSA fight for full marriage equality in all 50 states, brought together over 100 supporters and political, corporate, entertainment and community leaders at Union Station's Traxx Restaurant. Guests were treated to the sounds of legendary performer Irene Soderberg and musical team Sharper Image.
Hosted by The Real L Word actress and advocate Raquel Castaneda, MEUSA presented awards to Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin (Ally Honoree), Robert John Russo Gallery (Corporate Honree) and Latino Equality Alliance (Community Partner Honoree). Each of the honorees have been longtime partners and supporters of both the issue of marriage equality, and MEUSA.
"It is a great honor to receive an award from Marriage Equality USA, which has been integral in the fight to secure legally recognized civil marriage equality for all," said Controller Ron Galperin. "There is still much work to be done, however, to overcome discrimination and intolerance -- in California, nationally and internationally. I salute Marriage Equality USA for its great achievements and for its ongoing work and resolve."
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Ari Gutierrez of Latino Equality Alliance accepts the Community Partner award surrounded by family, friends and LEA members.[/caption]
"We are honored to be recognized by an organization such as Marriage Equality USA which has been, for almost 20 years, at the forefront of the fight to bring equality and fairness to all loving and committed California couples," commented Ari Gutierrez of the Latino Equality Alliance. “We are also celebrating many years of successful partnership between our organizations to advance LGBT equality.”
Additional special guests included State Senator Ricardo Lara, Proposition 8 plaintiff's Jeff Zarillo & Paul Katami, Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, West Hollywood Mayor Abbe Land, Long Beach Vice Mayor Robert Garcia, actor and GLAAD National Spokesperson Wilson Cruz, former Los Angeles Councilmember Bill Rosendahl, Los Angeles Councilmembers Mike Bonin and Mitch O'Farell and West Hollywood Councilmember John Heilman.
By MEUSA Executive Director Brian Silva