MEUSA Volunteer Billy Ray Bradford — A Character with Character
“My MEUSA title is something I made up based on what I had been doing, and that was logistics for rallies and events. I called myself 'Bay Area Logistics Coordinator' and nobody said 'stop calling yourself that' so I kept it,” says MEUSA’s Bay Area Logistics Coordinator, Billy Bradford. “I was responsible for building things, hauling things, amplifying things, renting things, getting permits and working with local law enforcement. When you see crowd pictures and everyone is holding a rally sign on a stick, I made those. When you see people on a stage or using a microphone, usually I did that. When you see us getting arrested, I coordinated that, at least for the last few years.”
Recalling what spurred his initial involvement with MEUSA. Billy says, “I saw a rally on the local news at a time when I was putting together Prop 8 rallies in my community. So I ran down to (San Francisco) City Hall to help out and ran into Stuart Gaffney coming up out of BART at the Civic Center station. He told me about MEUSA, then I met Molly (former MEUSA Media Director and board member Molly McKay) and Davina (former MEUSA Executive Director Davina Kotulski) and the rest is history. And herstory.”
"Since 2008 Billy has given of his time and talents equally to GetEQUAL and MEUSA,” says MEUSA Communications Director Stuart Gaffney. “And both organizations are ever grateful for his work. Billy’s laugh and warm heart complete the picture and hundreds delight in naming him as a friend."
What’s more, according to MEUSA IT Director Christine Allen, “Billy is a single father, an athlete, a college student, a fierce youth advocate, a sports fan, and a dog lover. He’s definitely a man of action! As an activist, he doesn’t hesitate to meet with religious leaders and government officials or to participate in civil disobedience. And he’s willing to go to jail for our rights. He appears to have boundless energy, showing up in his jeans and vest wherever needed with his ‘Legendary Red Jeep of Equality’ fully stocked with signs, tools, a PA system, water, flags, and camera. Billy is my kind of activist – he’s one of my heroes.”
Billy’s desire to be involved in the marriage equality movement dates back to 2004. “I was the flower dude, ring bearer and witness for the marriage of my friends Kim and Maureen inside San Francisco City Hall. [Then-San Francisco Mayor] Gavin Newsom was there greeting everyone in line, people were bringing in food; florists were delivering bouquets from total strangers. People were crying and laughing -- it was an amazing time. Then those marriages were invalidated and, sadly, Maureen died of cancer before she could legally marry Kim again. Maureen's family made sure that Kim got nothing from their eight year relationship. Nothing, as though they were just friends. That doesn’t happen to straight couples, only to gay couples. That's when I understood the importance of marriage and why we must work for equality,” he says.
As a parent, Billy had to consider the possible ramifications of his marriage equality advocacy on his now-16-year-old son, Desmond. But, he says, “My son Desmond is totally supportive and just last week worked all day long at Castro Valley Pride selling drinks and shirts. He is proud of his Dad and I am proud of the man he has become."
Among the highlights of his MEUSA involvement, Billy says, were “being handcuffed in a holding cell beneath San Francisco City Hall with Reverend Karen Oliveto of Glide, and chanting with Molly, Davina, Stuart and John in this year’s San Francisco Pride parade. Instead of yelling ‘What do we want?’ we were yelling ‘What do we have?’ That was f—-ing incredible, and you can quote me on that.”
MEUSA’s San Francisco Awards Event Manager Kirsten Berzon perhaps sums it up best when she says, “Billy Bradford is not an armchair activist. He is out where the action is, be it demonstrating, marching or meeting with people one-on-one."
Billy takes a serious turn when discussing his interaction with others in the marriage equality movement and the need to continue pressing for equality. “What I learned by joining MEUSA and GetEQUAL is that there are people willing to work together all across the country toward a common goal, and that ‘nothing is over until we decide it is,’ to quote John Belushi. I just finished the book ‘It’s Not Over’ by Michelangelo Signorile and I want every LGBTQ-LMNOP person in the country to read that book and act up, fight back! Not giving up, not saying ‘OK I am done now’ or ‘I can’t do it anymore.’ I have seen great numbers of people come and go. For whatever reason, they don’t stick around or they become frustrated or complacent. I don’t know why they are gone but they no longer show up. The fight for full federal equality isn’t over; how can anyone bail out? Turn off your television and get off the couch and keep fighting, damn it!”
Among the more important issues Billy wants to immediately address are the spread of anti-gay propaganda and the advancement of measures granting individuals and businesses a “license to discriminate.” He says, “Gay and Lesbian couples are now able to marry but the inevitable backlash is already upon us. Businesses want to deny us services because we are gay and religious fundamentalists continue to spread intolerance in the name of ‘religious freedom.’ There are churches in my community who hold ‘Hope’ groups based on anti-gay lies coming from the ‘Restored Hope Network,’ which is simply gay reparation therapy cloaked in religion. I will fight them and they will not win. I am working with the ‘Teach Tolerance’ group in San Francisco in their battle against [San Francisco] Archbigot (sic) [Salvatore] Cordileone and his faith-based homophobia. Lies in the name of God are still lies and our work will not be done as long as kids like Leelah Alcorn continue to step in front of trucks to end their own lives. In her suicide note, Leelah asked us to ‘fix society’ and I am doing the best I can. No retreat, no surrender. Period.”
John Mattras, MEUSA News Manager, resides in lower Manhattan, visits his boyfriend in Mexico City, and travels the rest of the world for his day job. (Photo courtesy of Bundirum Victoriam.)
#1 Billy Bradford manning the sound system at SCOTUS Celebration rally in the Castro, 26 June 2015. From Billy Bradford's personal collection.
#2 Billy Bradford speaking on live TV after circuit court ruled Prop 8 unconstitutional, 7 February 2012. Courtesy GetEQUAL and CNN.
#3 The Legendary Red Jeep of Equality. From the MEUSA photo archives.
#4 Billy Bradford arrested by SF Sheriff's Dept. following Valentine's Day sit-in at SF marriage counter, 14 February 2012. From MEUSA photo archives.
#5 Billy Bradford unrolling the MEUSA banner for the SF celebratory rally in San Francisco, 26 June 2015. From Billy Bradford's personal collection.
#6 Billy Bradford speaking at a marriage equality rally, 6 September 2011. Photo by Pax Ahimsa Gethen.
TAKE PRIDE! Volunteer At / Participate In a MEUSA Pride 2015 Event!
Over 40 years ago, on 2 November 1969, Craig Rodwell, his partner Fred Sargeant, Ellen Broidy, and Linda Rhodes contemplated the country’s first gay pride parade. They proposed a resolution at the Eastern Regional Conference of Homophile Organizations (ERCHO) meeting in Philadelphia to organize a gay pride parade in New York. Brenda Howard (a.k.a., the "Mother of Pride’) coordinated the first New York march in Greenwich Village on 28 June 1970.
That same weekend, gay activist groups held marches in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago as well. This proud tradition continues to the present day with festivals, marches and related activities taking place annually around the world – often in June to commemorate the Stonewall Riots.
Continuing in this now-annual tradition (in what we hope will the year that ushers in marriage equality nationwide) MEUSA will have a strong presence at Pride events this year in New York (Manhattan) and San Francisco. For more information on those events and how to get involved, see below.
For information on worldwide Pride events in June 2015.
San Francisco CA — June 27 & 28
March with us in the 45th annual historic San Francisco PRIDE Parade - often said to be "one of the last remaining PRIDE events that can truly be called a rite of passage."
Love will be in the air at the Marriage Pavilion at the San Francisco Pride Celebration at Civic Center! Publicly pledge your love, renew your vows, take pictures in front of San Francisco City Hall, and learn about the latest about the US Supreme Court decisions -- when will wedding bells ring? Join Marriage Equality USA and learn how sharing our personal stories can bring us full lived equality in all aspects of our lives.
Sign up here to march with MEUSA in the parade.
For full details on PRIDE Events go to the San Francisco PRIDE site.
New York City, NY — June 28
If you are fortunate enough to be in Manhattan, the birthplace of PRIDE, in June, MEUSA is hosting or participating in several events.
PRIDAY NYC at the Gramercy Theater, June 26, 10:30pm
SIREN NYC Women's PRIDE Dance at the Watermark, June 27, 8:00pm
MEUSA NYC PRIDE Breakfast at Playwright Irish Pub, June 28, 9:00am
MEUSA invites you to attend its 8th Annual at Playwright Irish Pub right in the parade formation zone on W. 35 Street. You can purchase tickets through Friday, June 26 or a limited number of tickets will be available at the door.
Afterwards, MEUSA welcomes you to be a part of its contingent in what we hope will be an historic march celebrating marriage equality throughout all 50 U.S. states and five territories. Sign up here to march with MEUSA in the parade.
Get full details on PRIDE Events at the NYC PRIDE website.
Other MEUSA Pride 2015 events include:
Salt Lake City UT – June 4-7
This year, our MEUSA Salt Lake City Local Organizers Colleen and Jolene Mewing have been honored as announcers for the entire Salt Lake City Pride Parade on Sunday, June 7! Check the Utah Pride Festival for further information.
Castro Valley CA -- July 11
MEUSA’s San Francisco Bay Area logistics volunteer supreme, Billy Bradford, is organizing Castro Valley Pride is FIVE!, a welcoming, inclusive, family-friendly celebration for the LGBTQ community members and allies.
Castro Valley Pride was started five years ago by a group of high school students who believed they should create a space for Castro Valley's LGBTQ community. Click here to register a booth for a group or business. To participate in the day's activities, check out the Facebook event!