Marriage Equality USA

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  • 21 February - 1 March 2015, the Winthrop Poll surveyed 1,109 residents by telephone and more than half of respondents (52.7%) said that they're opposed to gay couples marrying, while 42.8% said that such unions should be valid. News Source Poll Details
  • An October 2013, a Winthrop Poll found that 52% of South Carolina adults said marriage should not be legally recognized, while 39% said that it should. Poll details.
  • A December 2012 survey by Public Policy Polling found that 27% of South Carolina voters believed same-sex marriages should be legal, 62% thought it should be illegal, and 10% were not sure. In addition, 54% supported some type of legal recognition (25% for marriage, 29% for civil unions but not marriage) and 43% favored no legal recognition at all. Poll details.

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