Marriage Equality USA

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  • 17 September 2014, results released from an American Insights poll found registered voters in the state think voters and not judges should decide the issue of same-sex marriage, and a majority oppose Attorney General Roy Cooper’s decision not to defend the constitutional amendment banning marriage equality, which voters approved in 2012. Registered voters were evenly split at 46 percent on gay marriage. Likely voters oppose it by a 4-point margin. News Source
  • 15 September 2014, for the first time, more North Carolinians said they support same-sex marriage than those who opposed it, in an Elon University poll. The poll showed of 1,078 North Carolina residents, 45% said they support marriage equality and 42% said they oppose it, but the poll's margin of error is plus or minus three percent. News Source
  • A May 2014 Elon University Poll survey found that 41% of North Carolina residents supported same-sex marriage, while 46% opposed it, and 13% didn't know/had no opinion. Poll Details
  • An April 2014 Public Policy Polling survey found that 40% of North Carolina voters thought that same-sex marriage should be legal, while 53% thought it should be illegal and 7% were not sure. A separate question on the same survey found that 62% of North Carolina voters supported the legal recognition of same-sex couples, with 36% supporting same-sex marriage, 26% supporting civil unions but not marriage, 34% favoring no legal recognition and 4% not sure. Poll Details

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